So my day started with a early flight from Dublin at 7 in the mornimg. Fortunately its a very short flight (only 45 minutes). I got to the LG arena at around 12 am. There was around 5 people waiting there all ready. This is where the horror started thought. The weather was very very very cold and we had to wait for another 6 hours. We were all shaking but they let us in 1 hour early. Before that there was a nice LP crew guy who came out and gave us LP guitar picks! (very awesome :-) )
When we entered the arena first thing i noticed was the big screens behind the stage. Before they gig they showed a Music for Relief video around 3 or 4 times. The whole crowd started screaming when Chester & Mike came up in the video!
The show started with The Requiem, personally i think this...